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Dr Tom Sutherland 

GMC: 7040709
Bm Bch (Oxon) MA MRCP MRCEM MRCGP Dip Int. Mountain Medicine

Tom completed his medical studies in Oxford. He then followed his interest in Acute, General and Emergency medicine, before settling in Gloucestershire and becoming a GP.

Tom maintains an interest in expedition and high-altitude medicine.

At May Lane, Tom offers dermoscopy, minor surgery and joint injections.

Tom is a GP trainer, which means that he looks after and trains GP registrars at the practice.

Outside of work Tom enjoys cooking, running, riding his bike and climbing mountains.

He works 3 days a week at the practice.

Dr Bethan George

GMC: 7266500
MBChB (Manchester 2012), DRCOG, MRCGP

Dr Bethan George completed her medical training in the North West of England and East Midlands, before settling in the South West to undertake specialty GP training. She has worked as a salaried GP in two Stroud surgeries before joining the Walnut Tree team as a partner in May 2022.

She enjoys exploring the Cotswold countryside with her dog and is looking forward to getting to know the Dursley area.

Dr Sian Barford-Turner

Dr Harriet Tucker

GMC: 7285470
BsC (hons), BM, MRCGP

Dr Harriet Tucker completed her post graduate medical training in Southampton before training as GP in London. She moved to Stroud to start a family and works part time.

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